"use strict";

 * Filter for toobusy.
 * if the process is toobusy, just skip the new request
 * @access private
const conLogger = require('@sex-pomelo/sex-pomelo-logger').getLogger('con-log', __filename);
let toobusy = null;
const DEFAULT_MAXLAG = 70;

module.exports = function(maxLag) {
  return new FilterHandlerTooBusy(maxLag || DEFAULT_MAXLAG);

 * This filter is used to detected whether node.js event loop is busy or not. 
 * Once toobusy is triggered, then the filter toobusy will refuse sequential requests, 
 * and call next(err, resp) to pass err to error handler, indicating that server is too busy.
 * <br/>
 * 这个filter中,一旦检测到node.js中事件循环的请求等待队列过长,超过一个阀值时,就会触发toobusy。
 * 一旦触发了toobusy,那么toobusy的filter中将终止此请求处理链,并在next调用中,传递错误参数
 * @class
 * @implements {Filter}
let FilterHandlerTooBusy = function(maxLag) {
  try {
    toobusy = require('toobusy');
  } catch(e) {
  if(!!toobusy) {

FilterHandlerTooBusy.prototype.before = function(msg, session, next) {
  if (!!toobusy && toobusy()) {
    conLogger.warn('[toobusy] reject request msg: ' + msg);
    let err = new Error('Server toobusy!');
    err.code = 500;
  } else {